Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Spartan King

The last time I put a post in my blog was way back in 2013. So its been too long I guess. I never stopped my art stuff though. And this is another sketch I did recently; The Spartan King.

300 is one of my favourite movies. Based on an illustrated novel, the movie tells a story about a Spartan King Leonidas who leads his army of 300 soldiers into battle against the invading Persian army. An inspiring story and a good movie. (I heard both the movie and the novel were based on a Greek story. I'm not very good at history so I don't know the exact story)
Thought to draw king Leo using HB, 6B and charcoal pencils. So here it is...THE SPARTAN KING. Sorry about the bad quality of the photo.

Note: If you are interested in learning more about the movie, you can follow the link below.