Mobile phone. What can I say...It has come a long way. Now we use phones not only to call or to text, but for different different purposes. I have a phone too. An android phone. an ordinary guy in Sri Lanka, owning an "android" phone (or an iphone/ ipad) is still a big deal. Even when it is one of the most basic android phones you can get. So I am a proud owner of an android phone called the hTC Wildfire S. :) Anyway, the phone has a 3.5"(something) display. I installed an app called "Sketch n Draw". A cool drawing app I enjoy a lot.
In this app, what you get is a blank canvas, some cool brushes and colors. Your fingers have to do all the hard work since you are dealing with a very small display. Anyway, enough with my bad English. Here are
some of my work. Hope you guys will like them.
©Art by Dhanushka Weerasekara
©Art by Dhanushka Weerasekara
©Art by Dhanushka Weerasekara
©Art by Dhanushka Weerasekara
©Art by Dhanushka Weerasekara
©Art by Dhanushka Weerasekara
©Art by Dhanushka Weerasekara
©Art by Dhanushka Weerasekara
©Art by Dhanushka Weerasekara
P.S. You will see the word "Dhanushka" ( name) in most of the drawings. I add that with a photo editing tool. Its got nothing to do with the drawing..;)